We offer free samples of EVERYDAY Gold to ensure you love the feeling and flavor before auto enrolling you in our 25% OFF Subscribe n' Save program. Just to be clear, thats 25% additional savings on top of the 40% OFF sale right now! Lock in that price for life by simply clicking below on the flavor samples you're interested and select "Subscribe n' Save" at checkout to receive the samples for FREE, just pay S&H! One week after your free samples arrive you will be auto enrolled into 25% OFF Subscribe n' Save, and a fresh 30 day supply of EVERYDAY Gold will arrive on your door step to help fuel the best you! Click your favorite flavor below for FREE Samples!
Raspberry Lemonade Samples (2 pack)
Flavor Sample Variety 2 Pack (1 of each flavor)
*If you select the variety pack, you will automatically enroll in the subscription variety pack featuring individual packets perfect for "on the go" of both flavors Watermelon&Lime and Raspberry Lemonade. 30 servings for 30 days!